Lederer 2005 - Best Bid Hand

Rising From The Ashes

The Australian team, stopping off in London on their way to the World Championships in Estoril, had jet-lag to contend with, as well as some formidable opposition at the bridge table. They lost their first three matches, including an Ashes rematch against England, before coming up against the Young Chelsea Champions (represented by English internationals Nick Sandqvist and Artur Malinowski) in Round 4.

E/W vul.
Dealer East 
  A K Q 3
A J 6 4
K 10
K 7 4
9 2
10 9 2
7 4 3 2
J 10 6 5
  10 8 7 6 4
K Q 8 5
9 6
9 8
  J 5
7 3
A Q J 8 5
A Q 3 2
Pass 1
Pass 1 Pass 2
Pass 2 Pass 3
Pass 5NT Pass 6
Pass 7 All Pass

Seven of the eight N-S pairs played in a small slam, one in diamonds and the others in no-trumps. At most tables the first four bids were as above with North sooner or later jumping to 6NT. In the Australian auction Hans bid Three Spades at his third turn, showing that he had extra values but no further distribution. The 5NT bid was ‘pick a slam’ and when South bid Six Diamonds, showing a good suit, Nunn went on to Seven. The play presented no problem and thirteen tricks rolled in. Australia recovered after their poor start and finished in fifth place.