Lederer 2007 - Best Played Hand - Norman Selway

The Young Chelsea has hosted the Lederer for the last 26 years. For the last seven years the team that has won the Young Chelsea Knock-out has been invited to play in the Lederer. Norman Selway won the Lederer in 1985, representing the Professionals, and last played in the event in 1992. He was drafted into the Young Chelsea team as a late substitute when one of the original members of the team, not expecting to win the Knock-out, foolishly booked a holiday that clashed with the Lederer!

Game All.
Dealer West 
K J 7 5
A 6 5 4
A K 10 8
A Q J 8 7 2
9 4
Q 10 7
Q 3
  6 3
10 6 2
K 9 3 2
J 9 7 6
  K 10 9 4
A Q 8 3
J 8
5 4 2
1 Dble Pass 3
pass 4 All Pass

A straightforward auction saw Selway become declarer in 4. John Matheson, playing for the President’s team (Bernard Teltscher is President of the London Metropolitan Bridge Association and sponsor of the Lederer), led a trump to the ten and queen. Selway played the J. West covered with the queen (he does no better if he ducks) and was allowed to win the trick. He played back his second heart. Selway won, cashed his A and ruffed his two diamond losers, using a top club to get back to dummy. He crossed back to dummy with the other top club and drew the last trump.

Now he played a spade to the ten. Matheson won and played the A. Selway declined to ruff with dummy’s last trump and threw a club instead. He could now make the last two tricks and his contract.

The bidding and opening lead were the same at the other table in this match. Declarer did not play on diamonds and ended up two down. Despite this setback the President’s team went on to win the match by 43 VPs to17.

Elsewhere the other two declarers in 4 went one and two down. Three of the other four pairs bid to 3NT and all failed to make their contracts. The eighth declarer played in 2 and made nine tricks.