Swiss Teams 14th March 2004
Hand coutesy of Simon Cochemé

Tony Forresters's team (Jack Mizel, Victor Silverstone, Gerald Haaase) won the event comfortably, beating off one of their challengers with a game swing on this board

Dealer East- E-W Vulnerable

Q 3
A K 6 5
K 8 7 6 5 4 3
K Q 10 4
K 9 8 5
9 7
A J 10
  J 6 2
J 6 4 2
8 3 2
Q 9 2
  A 9 8 7 5 3
A 10 7
Q J 10 4

West North (Mizel East South Forrester
  Pass 1
Pass 2 Pass 2
Pass 2 Pass 2
Pass 5
All Pass

Forrester got a trump lead and spent quite a while deciding on his line. It was time well spent. He won in hand, ruffed a spade high and ran the queen of hearts to West, who returned a second trump. Forrester won in hand again and ruffed another spade high. Now he led a heart to the ten, drew the last trump and played ace of spades and a spade. He was the only declarer to make game, Five Diamonds minus one being the most popular result.