Swiss Teams 14th March 2004
Hand - Courtesy of The Young Chelsea Bridge Club

The LMBA green pointed congress was held on Saturday March 13th & Sunday March 14th 2004 at Young Chelsea and Barkston Gardens Hotel next door. The pairs ran remarkably well on Saturday considering the difficulties of running a Swiss event not only in two different venues, but also in numerous different rooms! The teams event on Sunday was somewhat slower with quite a bit of waiting between rounds. Several Young Chelsea players performed well, most notably Nigel Bird, who won the Swiss Pairs with Brian Senior. The following hand from the teams had a good deal of potential for a large IMP swing.

Dealer N - N/S Vul

  10 9 7 6 3
A 7 6 3
9 8 5 3
A K J 10 6 5 3 2
K Q 7 6
  8 4
Q J 9 5
Q 9 8 7 4
A 2
  A K Q J 5
K 10 8 6 2
J 10 4

At one table, playing West, Ryan Stephenson raised his partner’s opening 2D bid (weak with diamonds and a major) to 6D after a takeout double, unsure of who could make what. After a top spade lead, this made exactly for +920, and Ryan had some hopes of gaining imps as 6S doubled barring any accidents looks like –800. However, he was to be sorely disappointed as at the other table E-W proceeded to 7D over the 6S sacrifice and this made for +1630 after the disastrous lead of the heart ace. (Now declarer can take a ruffing finesse in hearts to provide a discard for his spade loser.) Apparently, 7D doubled made at several tables. In this particular match, the opening lead cost 26 IMPs!