Subscription Arrangements from 1st April 2016

1. Full members
It might be useful if you read a copy of the the flow chart, published in the February 2010 issue of English Bridge, page 27.

a) For Members of Affiliated Clubs
If your club is affiliated to the EBU, then you are automatically enrolled into the EBU and a County Association and you have no membership subscriptions to pay at all and you need do nothing.
All those LMBA clubs who have already declared their intentions to continue affiliation are flagged on our 'Clubs Page'
i) If you were a member of the EBU in March 2016, your ‘County of Allegiance’ will remain unchanged on April 1st.
ii) If you were not a member of the EBU in March 2016, your ‘County of Allegiance’ will be exactly the same as the ‘County of Allegiance’ of your Club unless you asked your Club Membership Secretaruy for an alternative.
iii)You may change your 'County of Allegiance' just once per year by contacting EBU headquarters at Aylesbury.

b) For Players who are not Members of Affiliated Clubs
i) In order to join the EBU from April 1st 2016, your annual subscription is £28 payable to the EBU.
You can state your County of Allegiance on the EBU Application Form as London, in which case, the additional annual subscription will be £5, i.e £33 in total, cheques payable to "The English Bridge Union'.
ii) If you are already a 'Direct member' of the EBU but allied to a different County, and you wish to change your 'County of Allegiance' to London, the additional annual subscription will be £5. Cheques are payable to 'The LMBA'. Application Form.
Juniors subscriptions (22 or under 1/1/2016) are 'free' provided that a written application to join has been submitted.

2. Dual Members
For members whose primary allegiance is to a County outside of London, the annual LMBA 'Dual' subscription is £5.
LMBA Application Form.

3. Dual Clubs
Clubs affiliated to the EBU via a County other than London may join as a 'London Dual'.
The annual subscription is £7 payable to the LMBA. LMBA Application Form.

4 Universities and Schools
LMBA Application Form..

How to Pay
a) EBU
Fill in an application form, and return it with payment to; EBU, Broadfields, Bicester Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8AZ

Fill in the form requesting London allegiance, print it and send it with your cheque (payable to the LMBA) to;
Roger Morton, LMBA Membership Secretary, 43, Banstead Road South,
Sutton, SM2 5LG, Telephone 020 8643 4930.
Or hand to a LMBA Committee member