1. The name of the organisation shall be the Phoenix Concert Band


2. The objective of the organisation shall be to bring together individuals with an interest in playing wind and other instruments appropriate to a concert band to play music together.


3. Membership is open to anyone who supports the objectives of the organisation and wishes to join, who notifies the secretary and who pays any subscription set under paragraph 5 below, if any subscription is set.


4. The organisation shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year at which it will elect a chair, secretary and treasurer (the officials). The officials will form the committee of the organisation, together with any other person they or the AGM wishes to co-opt to the committee, and shall be empowered to carry forward the business of the organisation between AGMs, but subject to any decision of an AGM or EGM.


5. The committee may, if necessary, determine a subscription to be paid to join the organisation, subject to agreement of the AGM or EGM to the amount.


6. In the event of the organisation undertaking any financial transactions, the treasurer shall present an account of the finances of the organisation to each AGM, audited in advance by an auditor to be appointed by the committee or the AGM.


7. Any bank account opened on behalf of the organisation shall operate on the basis that any withdrawals of money from the account shall require the signature of the treasurer and at least one other committee member.


8. The committee may convene an extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the organisation between AGMs and shall convene such a meeting if ten or more members so request, in writing to the secretary. If such a meeting is held all members shall be notified by the secretary at least two weeks before the date of the meeting.


9. This constitution may be changed by a two-thirds majority of those voting at an AGM or EGM.


10. In the event of dissolution of the organisation any remaining funds after discharge of all debts will be passed to the Music Department of the Sutton College of Liberal Arts.