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About the band

Crystal Palace Band (CPB) is one of the few traditional Brass Bands remaining in London. It consists of between twenty and thirty musicians and plays at a variety of events, including open-air concerts at Royal Parks and at the seaside, fetes, carol concerts, parades, brass band contests, parties and indoor concerts. Performance fees are charged and depend on location, time and number of players required. The band also plays and contests in smaller groups of four to ten players.

The Main Band at Broadstairs - 2011

We also have an active 'Progress' Band of over twenty players of all ages and abilities. This training and development section is ideal for new and returning players or those wanting to enjoy band playing without committing to the standards and rehearsals of the main band. An ideal entry point for those inspired to try their hand having seen the 2010 BBC programme ‘A Band for Britain.’
Visit the Progress Band Web Pages

The Progress Band at the Holy Trinity Church Penge 2009

Click for the "Constitution" of the Crystal Palace Band and the Information Sheet for members (new Window)